Thursday 21 August 2008

Left or right, Obama books are hot


Whether they like him or oppose him, readers want to hear more around Barack Obama.

"The Obama Nation," an anti-Obama book written by Jerome V. Corsi, will debut at No. 1 come Sunday on The New York Times' hardcover nonfictional prose best-seller list. Corsi was co-author of "Unfit for Command," an influential 2004 best-seller that condemned the Vietnam War record of then Democratic presidential prospect John Kerry.

Obama, the Democrats' presumptive nominee in 2008, is himself the author of the million-selling "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope."

Interest in him is so strong that even an upcoming policy book, usually the toughest of sells, is espial on. A compilation of speeches and policy statements by Obama and his campaign staff, "Change We Can Believe In," had reached the top 75 on by Monday evening, less than a day after The Associated Press reported the book of account would occur out in September.

"Change We Can Believe In" has an announced first printing of 300,000.

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